AVG Displays
Flying Tigers Museum, Kunming, China
A. In the U.S.
1. San Diego Air & Space Museum — Balboa Park, San Diego, CA
2. Museum of Flight – Seattle, WA
3. New England Air Museum – Bradley Intl. Airport, Hartford, CT
4. National Museum of the USAF – Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, OH
5. Museum of Aviation – Warner Robins AFB, Macon, GA
6. National Museum of the Pacific War – The Nimitz Fdn., Fredericksburg, TX
7. Chennault Aviation & Military Museum – Monroe, LA VISIT WEBSITE
8. Flying Tigers Warbird Air Museum – Douglas, GA (relocated from Kissimmee, FL)
9. National Naval Aviation Museum – NAS Pensacola, Pensacola, FL **NEW AVG DISPLAY**
10. Texas Air Museum – Stinson Field, San Antonio, TX
11. Cavanaugh Flight Museum – Addison, TX (Dallas Love Field)
12. USS Kidd Veterans Memorial Museum – Baton Rouge, LA
13. Udvar-Hazy Center, Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum – Dulles Intl. Airport, DC (Chantilly, VA)
14. National World War II Museum – New Orleans, LA
15. Planes of Fame Air Museum – Chino, CA
16. Yanks Air Museum – Chino, CA
17. American Airpower Museum – Farmingdale, LI, NY (Republic Aircraft site)
18. Pacific Aviation Museum – Ford Island, HI
19. Palm Springs Air Museum – Palm Springs, CA
20. Iowa Gold Star Military Museum – Camp Dodge, Johnston, Iowa
21. Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum, McMinnville, OR
22. Iowa Aviation Museum – Greenfield, Iowa
23. Winter Garden Heritage Museum – Winter Garden, FL Winter Garden Heritage Foundation <www.wghf.org>
B. In Mainland China
1. Kunming Flying Tigers Museum
2. Yunnan Flying Tigers Museum
3. Kweilin Flying Tigers Museum
4. Chengdu Jianchuan Museum (largest private museum in China)
5. Others
C. In Taiwan
1. Armed Forces Museum, Taipei, ROC.
2. The U.S. Air Force in Ching Chuan Kang AFB Footprint Museum, Taichung, ROC. 3rd TFW.
A. In the U.S.
1. The 27 AVG portraits at the Museum of Aviation, Warner Robins AFB, GA
2. Brig. Gen. James H. Howard MoH USAF display at the St. Petersburg-Clearwater International Airport, Pinellas County, FL.
3. George Bray McMillan display at The Citadel in Charleston, SC.
B. Outside the U.S.
1. Lt. Gen. Claire Lee Chennault display at ROC Air Force Base, Taiwan.
III. AVG AIRCRAFT (P-40s painted to honor AVG pilots)
A. #5 (Charlie Bond – 1st Sqdn) at Cavanaugh Flight Museum, Dallas *
B. #7 (Bob Neale – 1st Sqdn) at NNAM, Pensacola, FL P-40B
C. #48 (Tex Hill – 2nd Sqdn) at Commemorative Air Force – Ray Kinney *
D. #67 (Robert Prescott – 1st Sqdn) at Pacific Air Museum, Ford Island, Honolulu, Hawaii * flying condition
A. In the U.S.
1. The AVG Flying Tigers Association
2. Museum of Flight – Seattle, WA
3. Nimitz Foundation – Fredericksburg, TX
4. Chennault Archives – Hoover Institute, Stanford Univ., Palo Alto, CA
5. Air Force Historical Research Agency – Maxwell AFB, Montgomery, AL
6. National Naval Aviation Museum – John Donovan Collection, Pensacola, FL
7. History Research & Education Center – George McMillan Collection, Winter Garden, FL 34787
8. The Madame Chiang Kai-shek Collection
9. The China Room – Confucius Institute, Wesleyan College Library, Macon, GA (Soong Sisters Collection)
10. The Madame Anna Chennault Museum & Collection – Washington, DC 11. The National Museum of the U.S. Air Force & Archives – Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, OH.
B. Outside the U.S.
A. FEI HU (1999) – Fei Hu Films shown on PBS – Produced by Frank Christopher & Frank Boring
B. “They Flew for China”, Secrets of WWII (1999), The History Channel
C. The Real Flying Tigers (2000) – Produced by John Copeland – The History Channel
D. DOGFIGHTS: The Flying Tigers (2006) – produced by Digital Ranch.
E. 14th Air Force (2009) – Victory Films (Lars Andersen) – collection of newsreels & George “Pappy” Paxton’s films.
F. “Missions that changed the War” (2011)- The Flying Tigers Parts 1-4, The Military Channel, Sleeping Dog Productions.
G. P-40 Flight Video – Roaring Glory Warbirds – Jeffrey Ethell
H. “Flying Tiger Days” – George Burgard’s AVG Films (Lee Burgard)
I. “Wings Over China – The Story of the Flying Tigers” – Susan Yu (on YouTube)
VI. Flying Tigers MOVIES
A. FLYING TIGERS (1942) – starring John Wayne
B. GOD IS MY CO-PILOT (1945) – starring Dennis Morgan as Col. Robert L. Scott, Jr.
D. FLYING TIGERS (2015) – 10-part TV mini-series