Air Classics Magazine Publishes Two-Part Article by Dick Rossi
“Rossi of the Flying Tigers”, Part I, published in the July, 2002, Volume 38, Number 6 issue of Air Classics is an excellent article by the president of the Flying Tigers Association on the AVG. In usual Dick Rossi fashion, he has given an excellent accounting of the whole Group with a great many details on events of the Flying Tigers.
If that weren’t enough, Part II, was published in the August 2002 issue, Volume 38, Number 7 with even more detail and photos. Excellent reading for AVG veterans, family, fans and aviation history enthusiasts. Well Done Dick!!
For those of you wanting copies of these issues here are two sources: Air Classics P.O.Box 16149, North Hollywood, CA 91615, Tel. (818)760-8983; (800)562-9182 and Curtis Circulation Company, 703 River Road, New Milford, NJ 07646, Tel. (201)634-7499