Last Name:
First Name:
Carl Kice
1917 – September 8, 2017
1st Squadron
Flight Leader
Pre AVG: Born in 1917, Brown attended Michigan State University until 1939, when he suspended his studies to join the US Navy.
AVG Service:
Through the introduction of his friend Tex Hill, Brown received an honorable discharge from the Navy and signed up for the AVG.
“Most of the pilots were just two to three years out of high school,” Brown recalled.
Brown participated in the Flying Tigers’ first battle on Dec 20, 1941. The fighting took place over Kunming, Yunnan province, and brought down nine Japanese planes.
According to a tribute provided by his family, Brown also took part in a mission over the Nujiang River in the Salween Gorge during which double ace pilot, Bob Little, was killed while flying on his wing.
After the Flying Tigers were disbanded in July 1942, Brown flew as a pilot transporting supplies between India and China on a dangerous but crucial airlift route over the Himalayas. 
Post War Career:

In 1945, Brown returned to the US, resumed his undergraduate medical studies, and graduated in 1946. He went on to receive a master’s degree in the 1950s and a doctorate in the 1980s. Carl attained a law degree in 1991.

Brown is survived by six children and twelve grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren.

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